
please use the contact form for your request. I will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

If you are new to whip cracking or are unsure what the right whip is to start with, I would be happy to advise you

If you don't need advice and you know what you want, please work through the small list below. And answer the individual points in your request. This makes things easier for me, makes pricing easier, and cuts down on waiting time

For any other concerns, send me an email to

  • What kind of whip ( Bullwhip, hybridwhip, snakewhip, stockwhip, toy )
  • Which Model ( wooden handle, carbon, braided handles)
  • Which length
  • Which colors ( including wood handles )
  • Knots ( herringbone, 6x7, 4x5 turkshead, spanish ring )
  • Any extras ( ferrules, inlays, conchos etc )
  • Patterns ( the standard is the accent herringbone and is automatically selected if no other pattern is desired )

you´ll find a guide for the shipping costs on the FAQ page (link below)

